Pour un management interculturel

Welcome !
Dear English-speaking reader, you will find here some of my research (articles and chapters) have been translated. Until you learn a bit of French (!).
I'm a sociologist and HR consultant with expertise in the field of international mobility of executives and international HR management. I'm also a researcher for economic sociology and cross-cultural management. Through a global corporate university operating in 40 countries that I helped set up while being Training Director with L'Oreal, I provide worldwide support for the development of companies, managers and executives, facilitating the integration and success of people with diverse profiles.
I also teach HR and cross-cultural management at various top-league business schools such as University of Dauphine (on Cross cultural management), ESSEC, HEC Geneva …
I'm co-director of the “Master in Cross-Cultural Management” for professional training at the University Paris-Dauphine. This Master, the only one of its kind in Europa, regroups the best specialists in the field to constitute an exceptional educational team : university academics, corporate executives, consultants, all recognized for their skills and practice in the field of cross- cultural situations in the world today.
The Master in Cross-cultural Management prepares for careers and innovative fields: in charge of international projects, manager of international mobility, expatriation and detachment coaching, in charge of diversity management, consultant in cross-cultural management…
This Master is recommended not only for people who wish to consolidate a portfolio of existing operational skills but also for those who wish to change their career orientations, to give a new sense to their careers, to explore the paths of organizations of any size and to create added value on a national or interna- tional scale.
Prior to consulting, I spent more than 15 years as HR manager with companies such as Elf Aquitaine (Total) and L'Oréal.
I hold a PhD in Corporate Sociology on “The international mobility of executives and international human resource management”, a PGD in “Labor management and corporate social development”, both from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques.
My publications include (in French !) : The changing face of the world. Sociology of Globalization, Le Seuil, 2003 (co-authored with Jean-Luc Metzger and Dominique Martin), In favour of Intercultural Management. From Diversity to Recognition in Companies, L'Harmattan, 2008 (co-authored with Evalde Mutabazi). And some others in english (!) :
On Sociology of Globalization :
- Dominique MARTIN, Jean-Luc METZGER & Philippe PIERRE, « Globalization, american domination and “new globalitarian” myth », Contrepoint philosophique, Download the free document in pdf, September 2004.
- Dominique MARTIN, Jean-Luc METZGER et Philippe PIERRE, « The sociology of globalization : theoretical and methodological reflections », International Sociology, 21/4, Download the free document in pdf, July 2006.
- Valeri KRYLOV et Philippe PIERRE, “Contemporary globalization impacting nation-states. A new world disorder ?”, Document de travail, Download the free document in pdf, 2008.
On Learning Organization :
- Eric MELLET, Philippe PIERRE et Béatrice QUASNIK, “Matrix Sales University. A New Model for Learning”, Reflections. The SOL Journal US, Volume 9, number 2, Download the free document in pdf, 2009.
On International Executives Mobility :
- Bernard FERNANDEZ, Evalde MUTABAZI & Philippe PIERRE, “International Executives, Identity Strategies and Mobility in France and China”, Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol.12, N°1, Download the free document in pdf, March 2006.
- Laura GHERARDI et Philippe PIERRE, « Geographic Mobility as a System of Power Relations Inside Business Networks », Perspective on global development and technology (PGDT), Volume 12, Issue 4, Download the free document in pdf, 2013, pp. 514-530.
On Diversity Management and Cross-Cultural Management :
- George-Axelle BROUSSILLON, Evalde MUTABAZI, Philippe PIERRE et Aude SEURRAT, "The Figure of “Diversity Manager” in French Business – Towards a Typology, Effective Executive", IFCAI University Press India, Download the free document in pdf, Vol. XI, n°10, October 2008.
- Evalde MUTABAZI et Philippe PIERRE, "When French companies hesitate to go beyond good intentions and charters concerning diversity management…", HRM Review, The ICFAI University Press - India, Download the free document in pdf, December 2008.
- Evalde MUTABAZI, Philippe PIERRE and Philip SCHEINER, Managing Diversity and Cultural Differences. From Resistance to Recognition by Companies, Download the free document in pdf.
- Jean-François CHANLAT et Philippe PIERRE, « Cross-Cultural Management Thinking : An Intercultural Perspective Proposal », Colloque EURAM, 2018.
- Philippe Pierre, The Power of Conversation in an Intercultural Encounter, MinterDialogos, 2022.